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Titles and Grades

The IFE draws a distinction between titles and grades of membership. Titles are awarded to persons or members who have demonstrated support for the objectives of the IFE. The grades of membership form the framework for recognition of professional development.


The title of Companion is an award to members of the IFE, or to other persons judged to have made a significant contribution to the objective of the IFE. Companion and Life Fellow are awarded by the IFE Board. 
The title of Affiliate is available for individual fire engineers or organisations with an interest in fire engineering, who wish to take part in the IFE’s activities but have not, at this stage, met the requirements of a membership grade. Affiliate members are entitled to such rights and privileges as non-corporate members. Affiliate members may make reference to their affiliation to the IFE.


The IFE has developed a progressive scheme of grades of membership to denote an individual’s professional development. The grades are prescribed in the IFE’s By-Laws and provide for both corporate (voting) and non-corporate membership.

The IFE encourages all fire engineers to continually develop their membership status and to take a full part in the IFE’s business.

Corporate Grades Designatory Letters

    Life Fellow (Awarded by IFE Board, not life membership)
    • FIFireE (Life) 

    • FIFireE

    • MIFireE

    • AIFireE

Non-corporate Grades Designatory Letters

    • GIFireE

    • TIFireE

    • None

    • None

    Affiliate Organization
    • None

NOTE: Members of the IFE who are also Engineering Council registrants may use an appropriate combination of abbreviations and designatory letters. For full details, refer to the "Rules of the IFE Registrants’ Group", available from the Membership Department or from the IFE’s webpage ‘Engineering Council registration’

Designatory letters may only be used for as long as the holder remains a paid up member.  The IFE will take action to prevent unauthorised use.